Monday, August 6, 2018

Day #17 of my grand adventure

My balcony garden and Sunday breakfast
I've spent three weekends yet 17 days in Guatemala.  It seems unbelievable, as so much has happened since I arrived.  I've been to many meetings, training for my new position at CAG. I've spent three Saturdays traveling to nearby places like Antigua, local markets and the outskirts of the city.  I have a western view from my balcony and can see three volcanoes that spurt and sputter with dramatic sunsets.  I've spent three days with my new students in kinder, preceded by our introduction to families during Open House, last Wednesday.  We are in full swing!  I've planted my balcony garden and met my maid.  I have made new friends and enjoyed wonderful Guatemalan cuisine and hospitality.  I even found time to have my first Guatemalan gel manicure!

I am approaching the new school year with focus thru a new "dual immersion" lens.  I have an appreciation for how our french interns must feel when they first arrive in Edina.  I'm so used to being bilingual and feeling comfortable with both French and English speakers.  Here, I am fortunate to work with two bilingual co-teachers.  I split the day with our Spanish speaker and we both have a bilingual teacher who spends her entire day with us.  I am completely lost when everyone around me speaks Spanish, trying my best to get "the gist"of it.  Every time I think I'm making some progress, I respond in French, my desperate attempt to be understood by my Uber driver.  Everywhere I go, Guatemalans are courteous, helpful and eager to oblige.  I observe my co teachers, picking up Spanish along with our students.  Fortunately, I'm not teaching high school! I will be taking language lessons, yoga and cardio/circuit training after school before too long.

I am learning a new system, a well oiled machine (Reader's and Writer's workshop-Lucy Caulkins, Fountas and Pinnell) including Responsive Classroom and Growth Mindset philosophies.  We are a lab school incorporating Steam into our curriculum.  Using Growth Mindset, we start out with guided discovery and "math talks".  For now, creating relationship, building community and laying the foundation for learning are our main priorities.  I continue to grow and stretch in my new role.  My experience in French Immersion shall serve me well, although it feels very different in a new culture with the dominant language not being English or French.

The Kinder Team
Visiting the outskirts of GC near Pacaya Volcano

If I had to give you just two things that really seem amazing (besides the gorgeous climate, landscape, culture and accommodations at home and at school), I'd have to choose the fresh chicken/eggs and avocados.  Their freshness, flavor and texture are like nothing I've ever tasted!  The Guatemalan guacamole is simple and delightful; avocados, oregano, fresh onion and lime juice.
See the volcano?
PADI Guatemala
Typical Guatemalan dishes. They use every part of the pig!
Outskirts of GC
Saturday neighborhood market
Dinner with my friends Karen and Ricardo