Sunday, August 12, 2018

Heading into week #4

It's been a whirlwind, to say the least.  New digs, new country, new job, new language, new students and staff, new friends. 

We had our first assembly for Early childhood (preK-1st) on Friday and our parents meet on campus for Back to School Night tomorrow. 

EC Back to School Assembly "Kinder 3, Anaconda we will be"!

Our students are being immersed in the First Six weeks of school Responsive Classroom philosophies and protocols.  Our assembly outlined our school's Character Counts mission and classrooms chose their mascots for the year.  We're the Anaconda. 

It's a very busy time of year setting up the class climate and ambiance for the remainder of the year.  Build a strong foundation now and we will survive anything life tosses our way.  We're also launching Reader's and Writer's workshops (Lucy Caulkins) and Math pre assessments and Zoophonics.  We are dual immersion, so this is all being done in Spanish and English.  I'm impressed by the level of cooperation and collaboration on our EC team.

Learning about our character values

Beautiful campus

I'm stretching and growing as I try on a new approach to literacy, language and math. 

Our hallway 

 Our Kinder 3 classroom

Art class outdoors

I found a yoga studio in my neighborhood

Flowers from the outdoor market.  Rutger gave me the vase :-)

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